It's hard to believe that the New Year is upon us already! I don't know about you, but I enjoyed eating lots of great food, downing sugary drinks/alcohol, cookies and other delightful treats. I ate A LOT of turkey, stuffing and gravy - Mmmmmm, gravy :)) I had finally eliminated soda from my diet, and was doing well with that, until New Year's Eve in which I imbibed heavily on the colas. Ooops!
Do you want to know my food philosophy? It's an easy one. If you're going to indulge, make sure you indulge in something you LOVE to eat. Something that you absolutely freaking adore. Don't waste calories eating treats that taste so-so, just because they're right in front of you. I have a friend who does this and it drives me nuts. They'll eat it, because it's right there, but they complain that it doesn't taste good, or they don't like it. I always tell them to stop eating it, immediately, and if they need a treat, get something they like. No sense wasting perfectly good fat/calories on crap, right? :D You'll enjoy the indulgence more, both physically and mentally.
I had been pretty well up until about Christmas Eve, so I don't feel too guilty for indulging myself, however, now that the New Year has arrived, and most of the celebrating over, it's time to start gently cleaning my body, removing toxins and generally improving my diet. It was fun while it lasted, but honestly, as good as the junk tastes, my body really doesn't like it. I end up feeling bloated, sluggish, and I just crave more junk. It really is a vicious cycle. My skin ends up looking like a mess too, which is never a good thing. So first thing to do, is drink more water! Ditch the soda (including the "diet" sodas and anything that contains aspartame/artificial sweeteners), sugary fruit drinks, coffees, lattes etc and go for basic water, and green tea. I love Teaopia teas, so I have large variety of healthy teas available from which to choose. My favourite green tea is Jasmine - a green tea scented with jasmine petals - it's wonderful to sniff, and great for digestion.
In regards to what I'm eating, (now that the turkey leftovers are gone), I'm just cutting back on portion sizes, eliminating the junky stuff, and adding more fruit and veggies. Doing it slowly, and gently. I had been cleansing before the holidays (I joked, "to make room for the turkey onslaught!" lol) and will begin cleansing again shortly. I'm sort of in the pre-cleansing stage right now. ;)
As far as practice goes, I was pleased with how frequently I practiced over the holidays. When you eat too much, you don't want to move, let alone do anything strenuous. I think there were times I broke a sweat simply pushing myself away from the table! LOL
In all seriousness though, it can be a real challenge to find the time, and the inspiration to practice, especially during the busy holiday season. It's really easy to just say you'll go tomorrow, and put it off. So I give myself a High 5 for getting my butt onto the mat as frequently as I did. I moan and groan about it, but once I'm on there, man, does it feel good.
I love feeling a little bit stronger every time I hit the mat. The euphoric feeling after savasana ends, and you are proud of how much you did. I also love knowing all that turkey I ate will, little by little, disappear. ;)
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